September 16, 2024

Egypt establishing logistics hub for Gaza aid in North Sinai

Mohamed Abdel-Fadil Shousha, the governor of North Sinai, announced on Saturday 17/02/2024 that the Egyptian government is establishing a logistics hub in Rafah, Egypt to receive aid provided by Egypt, foreign countries, as well as regional and international organizations.

This hub will be used to store and prepare the aid for delivery while protecting it from inclement weather, the governor revealed during a press conference in Arish.

The hub includes truck waiting areas, secure warehouses, administrative offices, and accommodation for drivers, the governor explained.

It has been equipped with all necessary amenities and electricity to ensure smooth transportation to and from the area, he added.

The new facilities will relieve the burden on drivers, reduce congestion in Arish and on the roads, and facilitate the work of the Egyptian Red Crescent in delivering aid, the governor said.

The influx of aid arriving in Arish through air, land, and sea routes necessitates the establishment of a designated hub t
o receive, organize, and prepare the aid for delivery through the Rafah Border Crossing, he said.

Source: State Information Service Egypt