September 21, 2024

Ducab Group, Dubai Cares join efforts to empower communities in Nepal through education

DUBAI: Ducab Group, one of the biggest end-to-end energy solutions providers and manufacturing firms in the UAE, has announced its collaboration with Dubai Cares, part of Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Global Initiatives (MBRGI).

Ducab will support the UAE-based global philanthropic organisation’s “Adopt a School” initiative in Nepal, as part of its new global corporate social responsibility (CSR) efforts launched during COP28 under the theme, “Ducab Ducare”.

Adopt a School is an initiative by Dubai Cares that allows the community to support the construction of schools in remote communities around the world, where schools are not available or operate under poor conditions. The initiative covers the building and/or renovation of schools, book supplies, gender-specific latrines, teacher training, and adult literacy in Nepal, Malawi, and Senegal.

The school that Ducab has adopted will improve access to quality primary education in the Far Western Region of Nepal, which is home to the indigenous Tharu people w
ho experience severe discrimination due to generations of oppression and face many challenges to education. Women’s literacy rates in this region are also very low at just 40 percent. The new school will include three classrooms, fitted with furniture and gender-specific latrines, catering to 90 children and 40 adults. Ducab’s support will also ensure that members of the community receive approximately 18 months of adult education and literacy classes delivered by specialised trainers.

Mohammad Almutawa, Group CEO at Ducab, said, “At Ducab, we believe a strong education lays a sound foundation for future growth. As part of the commitment to corporate social responsibility, we are pleased to collaborate with Dubai Cares for their “Adopt a School” initiative and provide underprivileged communities with a platform to grow and flourish. The school, which we plan to build in collaboration with Dubai Cares is located in a remote village in Nepal and aims to provide education to children while also helping adults l
earn to read and write. This project is aligned with the UAE’s vision to foster equity, inclusion, and sustainable development for all irrespective of the country or region they belong to.’

Dr. Tariq Al Gurg, CEO and Vice Chairman of Dubai Cares, said, ‘The Far Western Region of Nepal is crippled with multiple challenges that prevent children from accessing quality education. Therefore, investing in education and literacy becomes crucial in enabling families to lift themselves out of poverty and equipping the next generation with meaningful learning opportunities to tackle systemic issues affecting their communities and the country as a whole. We thank Ducab Group for addressing these issues by adopting a school that will provide children in this region and their families with a solid foundation for a better, transformed future.’

The Group’s support to “Adopt a School” aligns with the six pillars of the ‘Ducab Ducare’ initiative, highlighting its commitment to improving communities, contributing to their we
ll-being, and raising awareness about the importance of Corporate Social Responsibility.

The six pillars include education and social responsibility, economy, environment, finance, and volunteering. The initiative is not limited to the UAE but extends globally to reach underprivileged areas around the world, contributing to inclusive and equitable growth.

Source: Emirates News Agency