September 22, 2024

Diyala Police Command denies reports of looting cases on the road linking Bani Saad and Al-Rashidiya districts

Diyala Police Command denied reports of looting cases on the road linking Bani Saad and Al-Rashidiya districts.

The Director of Media of the Police Command, Colonel Haitham Al-Shammari, said in a press statement: This news is baseless and we have not recorded any case of robbery within Khan Bani Saad sector.

Al-Shammari added that the director of Al-Khan department was contacted about this matter, noting that the road is completely secured.

The people of the Imam Muhammad Sakran district in Diyala appealed to the governorate police chief, Major General Alaa Ghareeb Al-Zubaidi, in a message via NINA in which they claimed that there were cases of nighttime robberies on the road linking Bani Saad and Al-Rashidiya districts

Source: National Iraqi News Agency