September 29, 2024

Defense minister inspects engineering industriesAgreement on developing farms area adjacent to Baptism Site signed

Egypt’s Defense Minister Mohamed Zaki inspected the engineering industries complex Monday.

He listened to a detailed explanation by director of the Armed Forces Vehicles Department Mohamed Abdel Fattah about projects implemented by the complex.

The minister also visited a number of production lines of specialized centers inside the complex.

Zaki conveyed President Abdel Fattah El Sisi’s best regards to personnel of the Vehicles Department.

Source: State Information Service Egypt

Amman: The Jordan Foundation to Develop Lands Adjacent to the Baptism Site signed an agreement on Monday with Medjool Village Co.

The agreement intends to develop the farms area that constitutes more than 670 dunums allocated for development.

Chairman of the Foundation, Samir Murad signed the agreement on behalf of the Foundation, which oversees the 1,374 dunum Baptism Development Zone (BDZ) and the implementation of the master plan.

Medjool Village Partner and CEO, Jude Nabulsi signed on behalf of his company.

According to the agreement, Medjool Village will create a Medjool dates farm and agritourism packages. The investor will plant around 8,000 palm trees.

The project will expand in 2028 to include biblical plants and crops.

Murad hailed the signing as the first cornerstone of the development zone, located next to the UNESCO World Heritage Baptism site.

He stressed that the master plan, which will engage and benefit local communities, will also include a village, hotels, a museum, a bird sanctuary,
an amphitheater, camping, and hiking paths.

Nabulsi said, “they were confident to develop the most important farm in the region and produce the best dates for pilgrims and visitors. The development zone will be the gateway to the Baptism Site, making it more accessible to pilgrims and visitors. It will provide accommodation and supporting facilities while respecting the sanctity of the holy site and ensuring it remains a protected zone, pristine, and untouched.

Medjool Village is Jordan’s largest vertically integrated grower, packer, and exporter of Medjool dates. Utilizing their state-of-the-art packing facility, Medjool Village consistently provides the highest quality Medjool dates available on the market with outstanding customer service and reliability.

Source: Jordan News Agency