China urges US to stop arming Taiwan

China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi urged the United States on Wednesday to commit to the One-China policy and to cease arming Taiwan.

This came during the strategic dialogue that brought the Chinese Foreign Minister with the United States National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan in the Chinese capital Beijing, stated Chinese state media.

Wang added that Taiwan belongs to China, and that his country will achieve reunification, stressing that the security of one country should not be based on threatening the security of another country.

He called on Washington to cease suppressing China and harming its legitimate interests in areas such as economy, trade, and technology.

He stressed China’s right to defend with force its territorial sovereignty and maritime interests in the South China Sea.

The Minister called on the U.S side not to violate China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity under the pretext of bilateral treaties.

For his part, Sullivan stated that the U.S adheres to the One-China policy, denyin
g that Washington supports Taiwanese independence or wants to disengage from Beijing.

He added that despite the differences, the two countries have areas that require cooperation, asserting Washington’s reediness to continue interaction with China and promote understanding.

Source: Kuwait News Agency