September 25, 2024

China opposes official interactions with Taiwan

TOKYO, China said Tuesday it firmly opposes any form of official interactions with Taiwan by countries that have diplomatic relations with China, state-run Xinhua News Agency reported.

“It has been reported that several parliamentarians and former officials from countries that have diplomatic ties with China either participated in a ceremony for Lai Ching-te to take office as Taiwan’s new leader on Monday or expressed their congratulations to Lai. China will take all necessary measures to firmly safeguard its interests,” Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin told a press conference in Beijing.

Wang said the erroneous words and actions of these countries and politicians have violated the one-China principle and the basic norms of international relations. “They constitute gross interference in China’s internal affairs, undermine China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, and endanger peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait. China strongly condemns such behavior,” the spokesman said.

Wang stressed t
hat the one-China principle is the political foundation and fundamental premise for the development of relations between China and other countries. He expressed China’s solemn demand that relevant countries and politicians cease manipulating the Taiwan question for political purposes, cease sending erroneous signals to “Taiwan independence” separatist forces, and cease engaging in actions that violate good faith in international relations or undermine the one-China principle.

Source: Kuwait News Agency