September 28, 2024

Calling on the Int’l community to have the final say… Al-Mandlawi: Bombing the southern suburb is a clear disregard and challenge to all international conventions and laws

Acting Speaker of the House of Representatives Mohsen Al-Mandalawi called on the international community to have the final say to stop the barbaric Zionist aggression, stressing: “The bombing of the southern suburb of Beirut today and the collapse of several buildings with their residents is a clear disregard and challenge to all international covenants and laws concerned with human rights.

Al-Mandalawi said in a statement: “Once again, the Zionist entity is committing war crimes by killing unarmed civilians, including children, elderly, youth and women, and targeting safe buildings filled with residents, coinciding with the holding of the United Nations General Assembly meetings, so that the entity sends a message of mockery to the entire world, and this constitutes an extremely dangerous escalation for an occupying entity that does not care about or respect any UN or international meetings, and has nothing to do with any statements of condemnation, presidential speeches, international initiatives or human
itarian relief organizations.”

He added: “The bombing of the southern suburb of Beirut today and the collapse of several buildings with their residents is a disregard that cannot be justified by any word or action, and a clear challenge to all international covenants and laws related to human rights. Let all countries that have remained silent, but rather were bold in their stance and encouragement of the continuation of the brutal massacres of the occupation and its use of all kinds of internationally prohibited weapons. They did not have a position that would be recorded in history against these barbaric attacks.

Al-Mandlawi continued: “These countries that have adopted a policy of neutrality and bias towards an occupying entity that kills Gaza with one hand and slaughters Lebanon with the other, no longer agree with the series of killing innocents and bombing buildings crowded with people. The international community must have its final say to stop this barbaric aggression that is trying as much as possi
ble to expand the scope of its influence and hegemony, and there is no time for regret.”

Source: National Iraqi News Agency