September 20, 2024

Cabinet holds its weekly meeting in NAC

The Cabinet started its weekly meeting, chaired by Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouli on Wednesday22/6/2022 at the New Administrative Capital (NAC) to probe a number of political, economic and social files and the latest global developments, as well as repercussions of the Russia-Ukrainian crisis and the spread of Covid-19, in addition to the provision of vaccines.

The meeting discusses several topics and important ministerial decisions and bills that aim to achieve development and welfare in the country on all fronts, along with realizing economic and social stability and encourage investments.

The ministers review the completion of work in different national projects in the country, topped by presidential initiative “Decent Life” to upgrade villages and the Egyptian Countryside.

The meeting will also probe measures taken to ensure the provision of essential foodstuffs for citizens and control local markets, as per President Abdel Fattah El Sisi’s directives.

It also follows up on the wheat harvest season and the file of encroachments on agricultural lands and the social solidarity umbrella. Moreover, it tackles the upgrade files in the various state sectors including health, sports, education and transport and measures to support low income brackets and the provision of citizens’ needs in general.

Source: State Information Service Egypt