Boosting Sustainability: Al Ain Zoo grows over 200 tonnes of plant-based animal food annually

AL AIN: Al Ain Zoo’s commitment to sustainability is exemplified by its internal production of around 211.2 tonnes of plant-based sustenance annually. In a dedicated nursery, the Zoo cultivates a hugely diverse range of animal food plants, including local and non-local species such as Sidr, Ghaf, Hibiscus, and others.

This sustainability initiative ensures a consistent food supply while reducing its ecological footprint. Such proactive measures highlight the Zoo’s dedication to responsible resource management and environmental conservation. The plants are carefully chosen to meet the unique nutritional, behavioural, and environmental needs of the Zoo’s diverse animal residents.

Selections are informed by thorough evaluations conducted by the diet review team, considering factors like growth stages, reproductive states, and overall health. While some animals thrive on pure plant-based diets, others, including carnivores, primates, and reptiles, have their unique nutritional needs met through the carefully de
vised compound feed.

This comprehensive approach highlights the Zoo’s dedication to the well-being of every animal in its care. The Zoo has always made significant contributions to nature conservation and wildlife protection, with a particular focus on safeguarding local species and its internal food production plays a crucial role in the preservation and enhancement of plant diversity.

The nursery’s propagation and utilisation of these plants across diverse initiatives not only fosters biodiversity but also enables the sharing of expertise with external partners and institutions. This collaborative approach underscores the nursery’s commitment to advancing conservation efforts and promoting ecological sustainability, advancing resource management and self-sufficiency while also ensuring tailored diets for its animals and supporting breeding efforts for endangered species.

Beyond conservation, the Zoo’s dedication extends to revitalising green spaces both within the Zoo and across Al Ain, creating tranquil
zones teeming with vitality. Their tireless efforts reflect a commitment to excellence and a vision for a thriving ecosystem.

Source: Emirates News Agency