September 19, 2024

Attorney General: Embezzlement of one hundred and twenty million dinars from the Central Bank.

Tripoli: The Public Prosecution ordered the detention of an official at Al-Jumhuria Bank – Souf El-Gin branch – and the prosecution of others who participated in the process of seizing an amount of one hundred and twenty million dinars using forged bank checks.

The Public Prosecutor’s Office explained that the Public Prosecutor, who investigated the incident, revealed to him the conspiracy of some branch employees, with other persons, to forge accounting records; and pass bank checks in which the financial values ??recorded were forged; which enabled them to embezzle an amount of one hundred and twenty million dinars and transfer it to bank accounts.

The Public Prosecutor ended up imprisoning the official in charge of receiving the checks at the bank branch, after he confessed to his involvement in the embezzlement operation, and the Public Prosecutor issued arrest warrants to arrest the rest of the members of the gang involved in the incident. .

Source: Libyan News Agency