September 21, 2024

Army executes 6 food supply airdrops into Gaza, with int’l participation

Amman: The Jordan Armed Forces – Arab Army (JAF), Friday, carried out six airdrops of food aid, with the participation of a number of friendly countries, as part of the international and regional efforts led by Jordan to lessen the suffering of our Palestinian brothers as a result of the Israeli war and to help them cope with the living conditions they are going through during the holy month of Ramadan.

Targeting multiple locations in the northern Gaza Strip, the airdrop operation involved two C130 aircraft from the Royal Jordanian Air Force, three planes from the United States, and one jet from the Kingdom of Belgium.

Since the start of Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip, the JAF have conducted 46 airdrops and 63 airdrops in collaboration with friendly and brotherly nations.

Source: Jordan News Agency