September 21, 2024

Arab, regional nations, organizations welcome Security Council resolution calling for cease-fire in Gaza, 2nd, final add

_: Aboul Gheit reiterated that the lesson for now is to put the decision into action on the ground, put an immediate and complete stop to military operations and Israeli aggression, and make it easier for humanitarian aid to enter Gaza through the regular land routes. This will lessen the dire humanitarian situation in Gaza and protect its people from the threat of impending famine.

The resolution represents a major shift in international opinion over the brutal war on Gaza, including the United States’ attitude, which declined to utilize its veto power, according to Jamal Rushdi, the Secretary-General spokesperson. Rushdi went on to say that in order to implement this decision in a way that ends the carnage and makes the occupation accountable for its crimes, the next stage will need coordinated international action.

The Turkish Foreign Ministry described the UN Security Council resolution demanding a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip as a “positive step.”

According to the Anadolu News Agency, the ministry’s sp
okesperson, Oncu Keceli, stated that Ankara believes the Security Council resolution demanding an immediate ceasefire in Gaza during Ramadan and humanitarian access to Gaza to be “a positive step.” He went on to say, “We hope that Israel will fulfill the requirements of this resolution as soon as possible.”

Keceli urged the international community to “take a common stance against Israel in order to end the humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza and find a permanent solution to the Palestinian issue.”

Source: Jordan News Agency