September 27, 2024

Arab League welcomes UN investigation into UNRWA results

Arab League Secretary General Ahmad Abul-Gheit welcomed UN-appointed independent committee’s findings on Israeli allegations against United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees’ (UNRWA) neutrality and members’ involvement in the October seventh attacks.

Abul-Gheit stated in a Wednesday release by the Arab League that the report of the independent committee, led by former French Foreign Minister Catherine Colonna, unequivocally proves the baselessness of Israel’s allegations, which were made without any solid evidence.

The report clearly indicated that these allegations were merely part of a concerted campaign to undermine the agency and terminate its pivotal role in providing for and employing nearly six million Palestinians, as well as undermining its indispensable role in dealing with the humanitarian catastrophe caused by the Israeli occupation’s crimes and atrocities in the Gaza Strip over the past months, he added.

He reiterated his call to the countries that refused to contribute to
UNRWA’s funding based on Israel’s false allegations to review the indisputable findings of the review committee, including its credible internal investigation into the Israeli allegations.

In this context, he stressed that it is a humanitarian obligation and moral duty for these countries, especially the US, the largest contributor to the agency’s budget, to review their stance towards millions of Palestinians.

The report recognizes the concrete steps UNRWA has taken at the technical level including the creation of a Neutrality Framework, a dedicated Humanitarian Principles Team, and the prioritization of humanitarian principles, integrity, accountability and oversight.

The work of the independent review group was conducted in parallel to the UN’s internal investigation into the allegations concerning the involvement of UNRWA employees in Gaza in the 7 October attacks against Israel. That investigation is ongoing and is being undertaken by the UN Office for Internal Oversight Services, the highest investig
ative body of the UN.

Source: Kuwait News Agency