September 19, 2024

Arab Foreign Ministers discuss tomorrow stopping the Israeli aggression on Gaza and the West Bank and supporting Palestine internationally

The 162nd session of the Council of the Arab League at the level of foreign ministers will start tomorrow, Tuesday, at the headquarters of the General Secretariat of the Arab League, headed by Yemen, which assumes the presidency after Mauritania.

The meeting will be attended by Arab foreign ministers and heads of delegations, in addition to the Secretary-General of the Arab League, Ahmed Aboul Gheit, Ambassador Hossam Zaki, Assistant Secretary-General, and a number of Assistant Secretaries-General.

The meeting will also be attended by a number of prominent international figures, including the Turkish Foreign Minister / Hakan Fidan / and the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy / Josep Borrell / and the Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations and Commissioner-General of UNRWA / Philippe Lazzarini / and the Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations and Coordinator for Humanitarian Affairs and Reconstruction in Gaza / Sigrid Kaag /.

The Council, at the l
evel of foreign ministers, will discuss ways to stop the ongoing Israeli aggression on Gaza and the West Bank, and the crimes of genocide committed by the occupation forces against the Palestinian people for more than 11 months, which have resulted in the martyrdom, injury and loss of more than 145,000 Palestinian civilians.

The Council will also discuss taking political, diplomatic and legal measures to stop the aggressive Israeli policies that seek to displace the Palestinian people from their land, in a serious violation of international humanitarian law and a threat to Arab national security.

The ministers will also discuss the impact of these policies on the collapse of peace opportunities in the region and the escalation of the conflict.

The Council is expected to request the International Criminal Court to quickly issue arrest warrants for the leaders of the Israeli occupation, and the Council will confirm its continued provision of the necessary support for Palestine to obtain full membership in th
e United Nations.

The agenda also includes items on the Palestinian issue and the Arab-Israeli conflict, with a focus on following up on political developments and activating the Arab Peace Initiative, and Israeli violations in occupied Al-Quds. In addition, issues of Arab water security and the theft of water by Israel, and the occupied Syrian Golan will be discussed.

The meeting will also discuss the situation in a number of Arab countries such as Libya, Yemen, Sudan, and Somalia, in addition to solidarity with Lebanon, the security of navigation and energy supplies in the Arabian Gulf region, and the Ethiopian dam.

In international affairs, discussions will address the dangers of Israeli armament to Arab national security and international peace, in addition to establishing a zone free of nuclear weapons and weapons of mass destruction in the Middle East.

The ministers will also discuss social issues and human rights, in addition to discussing economic issues, maintaining national security, and combati
ng terrorism.

The Council is scheduled to consider reports of the standing committees related to administrative, financial, and legal affairs.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency