September 25, 2024

Al-Sonni to the Security Council: The Libyans hold you morally responsible for what happened in Libya.

The Permanent Representative of Libya to the Security Council, Taher Al-Sonni, welcomed the Security Council’s response to the Government of National Unity’s request to send teams to assess the need for technical and logistical support and secure the electoral process in Libya.

Al-Sonni, in his remark on the Security Council’s session on Libya’s situation, called on the UN to support the High Elections Commission, relevant national institutions, and civil society institutions, coordinate with regional and international organizations, and provide modern technical preparations in order to ensure a transparent and fair electoral process whose results are accepted by all.

Al-Sonni explained that he held first meetings with the UN Election Support Department, highlighting that the needs assessment team will visit Libya in the coming weeks and will meet with most of the concerned authorities across Libya.

Al-Sonni noted that many of the interventions before the UN Security Council have become repetitive, indicating that many Libyan citizens hold him to the task of reminding you of your moral responsibility for what Libya has become since 2011 until now.

“Libya is facing a dilemma for which the citizen could not find an explanation, the people see that many of the statements presented in the Security Council are repetitive and have no real effectiveness.” AL-sonni said.

He stressed his support for all efforts and initiatives to agree on non-exclusionary electoral laws that give everyone the opportunity to participate, and create the conditions for presidential and parliamentary elections, so that the Libyan people are the decisive factor.

Al-Sonni considered that the meetings of the members of the 5 + 5 committee and a number of members of the security and military leaders in the east and west of the country were an important and essential step to start unifying the military institution and building the nucleus of the unified Libyan army under civil authority, which will protect Libyan territory, secure the country’s borders, and end all kinds of foreign presence.

Al-Sunni warned of the seriousness of the situation in Sudan, which will undoubtedly have a direct and negative impact not only on Sudan, but also on Libya and neighboring countries, especially in the Libyan south.

Source: Libyan News Agency