September 20, 2024

Al-Sadr’s Minister: Receiving visitors from Saudi Arabia is a blessed step to remove the ice from relations with the neighbor

The so-called Minister of the Commander and the mouthpiece of the leader of the Sadrist movement, Muqtada al-Sadr, in the social media, described Najaf International Airport’s reception of the first direct flight from Saudi Arabia to Iraq as ‘a blessed step to remove the ice from relations with the neighbour and remove the sectarian breath that every lurking sedition inflates into.’

The Commander’s Minister said in his comment in this regard, ‘We are very optimistic when we see Najaf Al-Ashraf Airport receiving visitors from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It is a blessed step to remove the ice from relations with the neighbor and remove the sectarian breath that is inflated by every person lurking for strife. Welcome to their second country.’ I mean the Iraqis in the Kingdom and the Saudis in Iraq.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency