September 21, 2024

Al-Sadr criticizes the suppression of voices calling for peace and freedom in American universities

The leader of the Sadrist Movement, Muqtada Al-Sadr, strongly criticized the US government’s practices in suppressing voices calling for peace and freedom in American universities, expressing his support for the students of those universities.

Al-Sadr said in a comment on the X website: ‘Today a new mask was revealed that was covered with the honey of democracy and freedom, so that university students in America taste the bitterness of that poisoned honey and stinking honey… inspired by the stinking Zionist entity and its stinking leader. Today we call for an end to the suppression of votes, calling for peace, freedom, and an end to the dirty and shameless Zionist massacres and terrorism.’

He added: ‘The voice of American universities calling for an end to Zionist terrorism is our voice, and everyone who tries to silence that roaring voice in any part of the world is an animal and a predatory beast with no mercy in its dictionary, no freedom except according to its desires, and no democracy except accordi
ng to the extent of its sofa and rule.’

Source: National Iraqi News Agency