Al-Mandalawi Calls For Confronting The Dangers Facing The Arab Nation And Taking Rapid Steps To Enhance Cooperation And Communication Between Arab Councils

Acting Speaker of the House of Representatives Mohsen Al-Mandalawi called for confronting the dangers facing the Arab nation and taking quick steps to enhance cooperation and communication between Arab councils.

According to a statement by his media office, Al-Mandalawi expressed his thanks and appreciation to the President of the Arab Parliamentary Union, Ibrahim Bou Ghali, for the quick response to his call to hold the 37th emergency conference of the union.

In his speech and a number of interventions during the emergency meeting of the (37) Arab Parliamentary Union Conference, which was held in Geneva in response to an Iraqi invitation, he called for taking quick steps to enhance cooperation and communication between Arab councils, agree on fateful issues and confront the dangers facing the Arab nation, especially those related to the events in Palestine and Lebanon.

According to the statement, Al- Mandalawi recommended forming an Arab parliamentary delegation representing the Arab Parliamentary Union t
o visit Beirut and al-Quds to provide support and assistance to the two brotherly countries, in addition to activating the joint parliamentary diplomacy of the union’s parliaments and in coordination with regional and international parliamentary organizations to support Arab efforts to immediately stop the Zionist aggression and propose forming a special committee in permanent session to make all possible efforts in this regard, in addition to providing urgent medical and food relief to the displaced in Gaza and southern Lebanon and working to alleviate their suffering, and supporting Iraq’s diplomatic efforts to ward off the danger of the expansion of the war and in all international forums within the responsible participatory diplomatic efforts.

The Acting Speaker of the House of Representatives denounced what he described as with the helplessness and unjustified silence of the international system, its state and organizations, in the face of Zionist arrogance, haughtiness and disregard for international l
egitimacy, in light of the assassination of leaders and symbols of the resistance using technological means and malicious methods, targeting rescue and ambulance crews, striking civil defense centers, hospitals and educational centers, and claiming the lives of tens of thousands of civilian martyrs, demolishing homes and infrastructure, imposing displacement and starvation and others, stressing that resistance and sacrifice will produce victories for Lebanon and its resistant south, Gaza and the entire land of Palestine, and will inevitably lead to the demise of the Zionist entity and its terrorist crimes, and that history will record the position of truth and the word of truth for everyone who stands with our steadfast people in the face of the most brutal waves of terrorism.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency