September 19, 2024

Al-Hakim is surprised by the international community’s silence on the massacres against the people of Gaza

The head of the National Wisdom Movement, Ammar al-Hakim, expressed his surprise at the silence of the international community and its organizations and formations concerned with human rights, regarding the massacres committed by Israel against the Palestinian people.

He said in a statement: “A new massacre is being committed by the Israeli occupation after its criminal aircraft targeted the gate of a school sheltering displaced persons northwest of Deir al-Balah in the central Gaza Strip, which led to the martyrdom and injury of a large number of women and children.”

Al-Hakim added: “The persistence in committing these atrocities calls for extreme astonishment at the silence of the international community and its organizations and formations concerned with human rights. These daily massacres that take place under the weight of suspicious international silence undoubtedly encourage the Israeli entity to commit more of them without restraint or deterrence, while our oppressed Palestinian people in Gaza bleed
day and night, through scenes that prick living consciences.”

Source: National Iraqi News Agency