September 20, 2024

Al-Dabaiba at the celebration of the anniversary of the founding of the army: the time of war is over.

The head of the government of national unity, Abdel Hamid al-Dabaiba, confirmed that the time of war is over, and that the Libyan citizen will no longer raise arms in front of his Libyan brother.

Al-Dabaiba explained in a speech during the celebration of the 83rd anniversary of the founding of the Libyan army, in Martyrs Square in the capital, Tripoli, that the Libyan people’s money will be spent on development, grants, and the lives of the people, and not on killing them, stressing that the battle of construction and stability is our main battle now.

Al-Dabaiba added that the Libyan people chose their path, which is elections and stability, and the years have proven that other than this path is an illusion, calling on all citizens to be a unified army from the city to the tribe.

Source: Libyan News Agency