September 21, 2024

Al-Dabaiba announces the reopening of trading in buying and selling shares in the Libyan financial market.

Tripoli: The Prime Minister of the National Unity Government, Abdul Hamid Al-Dabaiba, announced today, Monday, the reopening of stock trading in the Libyan financial market in Tripoli and Benghazi after it stopped nine years ago.

During his speech at the opening ceremony, Al-Dabaiba stressed that the return of work within the stock market contributes to alleviating the burdens on the state’s economy after overcoming the difficulties that the market suffered in recent years, which caused it to stop.

The Prime Minister added that the government will provide full support so that the stock market can perform its duties as it should, and to be in the ranks of global markets.

Al-Dabaiba said, according to the media office of the Prime Minister, the work of the Libyan financial market should not be limited to institutions and entities only, but rather extend to the involvement of individuals. In turn, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Libyan Capital Market, Bashir Ashour, said: We seek to bring about
a qualitative shift in the market, and our success depends on the stability and development of the state’s sectors.
Source: Libyan News Agency