Air Falcons destroy a terrorist den with 6 terrorist elements inside within the Salah al-Din Operations Command Sector

The Joint Operations Command announced that the Air Falcons destroyed a terrorist den with 6 terrorist elements inside within the Salah al-Din Operations Command Sector.

The Command stated in a statement by the Security Media Cell that “in continuation of the offensive approach and pursuing the remaining defeated ISIS terrorist elements, and in revenge for the martyrs of Kirkuk, and according to accurate information and distinguished qualitative intelligence effort from the zealous men in the Military Intelligence Directorate and with the planning and supervision of the targeting cell in the Joint Operations Command, the brave Air Falcons carried out successful air strikes using F_16 aircraft, targeting a terrorist den in the Al-Aith area within the Salah al-Din Operations Command Sector.”

It added, “Based on the available information, the targeted hideout contained 6 members of the terrorist ISIS gangs,” stressing that “our security forces are continuing to exact just retribution from the remnants of the
ISIS gangs and the earth will be too narrow for them.”

Source: National Iraqi News Agency