Ageela to the American delegation: Any attempts to open new dialogues or new agreements will take us back to square one.

Speaker of the House of Representatives (HoR), Ageela Saleh, met at the HoR’s office in Benghazi with the U.S. Special Envoy, Richard Norland, accompanied by Department of State Deputy Assistant Secretary, Josh Harris, the Chargé d’Affaires at the US Embassy, Jeremy Berndt, and the Head of the Political Section at the US Embassy, Nabil Siddiq, to discuss ways to solve the Libyan crisis.

The Spokesman of the HoR, Abdullah Belihaq, stated that Ageela affirmed during the meeting that the HoR had accomplished what was required of it in terms of constitutional rule, the issuance of electoral laws, and the mechanism for electing a unified government that would organize the elections.

Aqeela also stressed that any attempts to open new dialogues or new agreements will take us back to square one and that what is required now is the formation of a single, unified government that organizes and supervises the electoral process

Source: Libyan News Agency