September 21, 2024

ACC reports surge in export certificates in 2023The Public Prosecutor reveals a number of reports and cases in the mass graves, the Derna dam, and the national number system.

Amman: The value of certificates of origin issued by the Amman Chamber of Commerce (ACC) for exporting goods to Arab and foreign countries saw a significant surge of 62.2% during 2023 compared to the figures of 2022.

Statistical data acquired by the Jordan News Agency (Petra) revealed that the total value of certificates issued by the ACC reached JD1.433 billion Jordanian in 2023, significantly surpassing the JD883 million recorded in the previous year.

In terms of volume, the Chamber documented the issuance of 35,653 certificates in 2023, marking a solid 4% increase from the 34,289 certificates issued in 2022.

These certificates, pivotal for export operations, found their primary destinations in various Arab and foreign markets. Notably, Saudi Arabia received 8,557 certificates, followed by the United Arab Emirates with 4,158, Iraq with 2,231, Egypt with 1,103, and Switzerland with 24 certificates.

Delving into the distribution of Amman’s export values, trade to Iraq accounted for approximately JD639 mil
lion, the United Arab Emirates received around JD194 million, Saudi Arabia received JD98 million, Egypt received JD97 million, and Switzerland received JD92 million.

These certificates play a critical role in facilitating trade, encompassing a wide array of goods, including agricultural and animal products, Jordan’s natural resources, re-exported foreign goods, and foreign products sourced domestically under specified conditions.

Source: Jordan News Agency

The Public Prosecutor, Al-Siddiq Al-Sour, said that the number of reports about mass grave crimes in Tarhuna during (2021-2022) reached (231) reports, of which (53) were referred for trial, and the number of bodies found in the mass graves in Tarhuna. There were (250) bodies, including (202) identified and the rest still unknown.

Al-Sour added in a press conference held today in Tripoli that (51) defendants are pending investigation, including foreigners involved in Tarhuna crimes, and (400) local arrest warrants have been issued for defendants in the Tarhuna mass graves cases, and there are (8) others who were arrested in Benghazi two weeks ago in cooperation with the competent security services there.

He explained that the accused were referred and are subject to investigation by the Deterrence Service in preparation for their referral to the investigation committee, and (9) red notices were issued to the accused, whose presence in the investigations resulted in their presence in Egypt, Tunisia, the Emir
ates, and Saudi Arabia, and the Public Prosecution submitted a request to Egypt to extradite (6) main accused. In the Tarhuna case, they were arrested by Interpol in Cairo.

Regarding the Derna disaster, the Public Prosecutor confirmed that the total number of deaths recorded so far as a result of the floods in Derna has reached (4,540) people, including foreigners. Evidence has proven that there is negligence in the maintenance of the Derna dams and neglect of proposals to construct a third dam according to investigations and simulation programs.

He explained that the disaster of the collapse of the Derna dams could have been avoided if the maintenance proposals and the third dam presented since 2003 had been implemented. The lack of a warning system in the two dams, neglect of cleaning the upper openings, and neglect of regular maintenance contributed to the occurrence of the disaster.

Al-Sour added that the amount of rain reached (68) million cubic meters, which exceeded the valley dam’s carrying capacit
y by (3) times and led to its collapse, in addition to the fact that the drainage system in the valley is not working as designed due to the accumulation of silt for a year without any maintenance.

He added that the Al-Bilad and Bou Mansour dams were monitored for cracks, large water leaks were observed, and the movement of the layer of stone rubble was monitored in them, which indicated the weakness of its structure, and the results of the judicial experience regarding the disaster of the collapse of the Derna dams were supervised by (25) judicial experts, and what they reached is consistent with previous studies.

He explained that the mayor of Derna and a number of officials in the water resources and dams authority in the city did not bring evidence that they were not responsible for the disaster. All those responsible for the dams since 2003 are held responsible for the disaster that occurred in Derna, and that two officials were not subject to trial and left the country after they were summoned for inv
estigation and were placed in detention. A surveillance system will also prepare a ‘red notice’ that will be submitted to Interpol this week.

The pictures revealed the existence of fraud in the national ID system after comparing it to the civil status system and comparing it to other systems. We have evidence that reveals the existence of fraud in the civil status system. There are forged data that have been deleted and have no basis in the system. The number of Libyan family records has reached one million (900) thousand. Of these, (11) thousand and (823) records were proven by evidence to be forged.

The Public Prosecutor added that the number of defendants during 2023 reached (113,082) defendants, including (57) thousand arrested and (8) thousand others detained in pretrial detention. Corruption crimes during the past year reached (3947) cases, including (698) incidents of illicit gain and ( 87) Money laundering crime, and the number of criminal cases registered in the digital transformation system during
2023 reached (75,651) cases.

Source: Libyan News Agency