September 22, 2024

Abdullahian: A truce agreement can be reached, but Netanyahu is seeking to prolong the war

BETHLEHEM TOGETHER – Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian said that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and a small number of extremists continue to do everything in their power to prolong the war in Gaza.

Abdullahian said in a statement, “If the Americans and Westerners fulfill their promises and truly commit at this stage to a ceasefire in Gaza, then everything is ready to resolve the issue and reach a sustainable truce agreement.”

He continued, saying: “But it is certain that Netanyahu and a small number of extremists on the other side of the equation continue to do everything in their power to prolong the war. Because a ceasefire and the end of the war may mean a new crisis in the occupied territories.”

Source: Maan News Agency