September 17, 2024

A team from the United Nations mission meets with an elite group of academics and jurists from Libyan universities.Formation of Government in Gaza is Solely Palestinian Matter: SIS

A team from the United Nations Support Mission in Libya met with an elite group of academics and jurists from the universities of Tripoli, Misrata, Al-Zawiya, the Open University in Tripoli, and the Bar Association, to exchange views on developments in the political and constitutional paths in the country.

In this meeting, which was held yesterday at the mission’s headquarters in Tripoli, the Libyan experts stressed the necessity of continuing the dialogue with the aim of reaching a solid constitutional framework that expresses the will of all Libyans and moves the country to the stage of sustainable political stability.

They called for removing all obstacles to the progress of the constitutional path and creating the atmosphere for holding safe, free and comprehensive elections.

For its part, the mission team stressed the importance of the contribution of Libyan national expertise alongside political actors in formulating the country’s constitutional framework, expressing the mission’s readiness to provi
de the necessary support to advance the electoral process in accordance with its mandate.
Source: Libyan News Agency

Chairman of State Information Service (SIS) Diaa Rashwan said Thursday 28/12/2023 the proposal for forming a Palestinian government in Gaza and the West Bank, as outlined in the Egyptian three-phase ceasefire initiative, is exclusively a Palestinian matter.

In its first official statement on the move, Rashwan said the formation of the Palestinian government has already been discussed among all Palestinian parties.

He added that the proposal entails three successive and linked stages ending with a permanent ceasefire, stressing that the proposal was drafted after considering the perspective of all concerned parties.

The initiative aims to reach an understanding among these parties in a bid to prevent Palestinian bloodshed, stop the aggression against Gaza, and restore peace and stability to the region, added Rashwan.

He noted that a detailed draft of the proposal will be formulated and declared once Egypt receives the responses from the concerned parties.

Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh welc
omed the Egyptian proposal during a weekly cabinet meeting in Ramallah, stressing Egypt’s keenness on Palestinian unity.

He noted, however, that any regional or international arrangement should pass only through Palestinian legitimacy, represented by the Palestine Liberation Organization.

Egyptian officials have recently held separate talks in Cairo with delegations from Hamas and the Islamic Jihad on ceasefire and prisoner-captive swap efforts.

Ismail Haniyeh headed the Hamas delegation, whereas the Jihad delegation was headed by its Secretary-General Ziad Nakhaleh.

Last week, Nakhaleh said any swap deal must be carried out only after the ceasefire and based on the principle of “all for all,” which means releasing all captives held in Gaza in return for all Palestinians jailed in Israel.

Egypt and Qatar helped mediate a week-long ceasefire in November, in which Hamas freed over 100 captives in exchange for 240 Palestinian children and women detainees.

The UN Security Council has failed more than once t
o call for an immediate ceasefire in the war-torn strip.

Since the beginning of its bloody war on Gaza, Israel has killed over 20,000 Palestinians, including women and children, and wounded thousands more.
Source: State Information Service Egypt