98% of Jordan’s households own mobile phones, TVs, JPFHS reveals

Amman: 98 percent of households in the Kingdom own a mobile phone and TV, while 29 percent own a computer and 8 percent own a radio, according to the detailed report of the Jordan Population and Family Health Survey (JPFHS) 2023.

The report showed that more than half of households in Jordan (55 percent) own a car or truck, while 7 percent of households own a bicycle, 2 percent own a motorcycle, and 1 percent have an animal-drawn cart, indicating that 59 percent of households in rural areas own a car or truck, compared to 55 percent in urban areas.

It pointed out that 80 percent of women between the ages of 15 and 45 who have been married use the Internet, while 90 percent of men in Jordan use the Internet.

According to the report, almost all households in Jordan have access to clean energy and cooking technologies; all households heat their homes, with 78 percent relying on clean fuel and technology for heating; almost all households have access to electricity; and almost all households use clean fuel and
technology for lighting.

According to the report, 99 percent of Jordan’s population has access to at least basic drinking water services, and 85 percent of households had sufficient quantities of drinking water during the month prior to the survey, 86 percent of urban residents, and 75 percent of rural residents.

The results showed that 2 percent of previously married women and men between the ages of 15 and 49 had no education, while 97 percent of women and 98 percent of men could read and write.

The report indicated that 13 percent of currently married women and 80 percent of married men between the ages of 15 and 49 are currently employed, and that 49 percent of women with cash income earn less than their husbands, 25 percent earn more, and 21 percent earn the same as their husbands.

Seven percent of women and 21 percent of men own a house (alone or jointly), and 5 percent of women and 6 percent of men own a piece of land, according to the report.

The report also showed that the percentage of previous
ly married women between the ages of 15 and 49 who have a bank account and use a mobile phone to conduct banking transactions during the 12 months prior to the survey was 23 percent, while men between the ages of 15 and 49 who have a bank account and use a mobile phone to conduct banking transactions was 51 percent.

Source: Jordan News Agency