September 20, 2024

122 violations for Tawjihi exam instructions recorded over two days-Mahafzah

Since start of General Secondary Education Certificate Examination (Tawjihi) current session, Ministry of Education recorded 122 violations for exam instructions, with 93 and 22 irregularities registered on the first and second days, respectively, said Minister of Education, Azmi Mahafzah. In a statement to “Petra” on Thursday, Mahafzah noted violations mainly focused on attempts to use satellite and cellular devices inside the examination halls. Mahafzah also said the ministry took all necessary measures against violators according to the instructions regulating the exam. He noted penalties deprive violators of sitting the exam for the current and the next sessions to achieve principle of justice and equal opportunities for all Tajihi students. Moreover, the minister lauded efforts of the ministry’s supervisors, public security personnel and all the ministry’s support agencies to hold the exam in its current session.

Source: Jordan News Agency