September 20, 2024

100% grant announced to study energy efficiency of Jordan’s industrial sector

Amman: North and West Amman Investors Industrial Association (NWAIIA) on Wednesday held a workshop to introduce its members about a 100% grant to examine energy efficiency for the Kingdom’s industrial sector.

The bid comes in cooperation with Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources and Jordan Chamber of Industry, as part of the NWAIIA’s commitment to provide the necessary support to integrate modern technologies in Jordan’s factories.

In a statement, the association’s president, Mohamed Jitan, noted the program stimulates introduction of the “best” practices in the field of rationalizing consumption of various energy sources and raising efficiency of their use, which would enhance “competitiveness” of Jordan’s industrial facilities.

Jitan stressed that competitiveness of the industrial sector lies in reducing its production costs, especially energy, as differences in costs with Jordan’s competitors in the local and export markets reach 25%.

Jitan added that this situation “clearly” impedes the industry’s
“competitive” capability, as energy in all its forms is a “major” production input for the various industrial sub-sectors.

Energy constitutes an average of 30-35% of the production cost for all Jordan’s industrial sectors and reaches more than 40% in some sectors, primarily the plastic and rubber industries, he pointed out.

Additionally, he noted the program in its “new” edition provides “full” support for implementing an “integrated” energy monitoring study that identifies the “key” energy-consuming processes in factories.

He indicated that plants are provided with recommended energy consumption rationalization procedures with “detailed and clear” calculations of related costs and and expected refund period for each measure.

Source: Jordan News Agency