September 21, 2024

Women in Climate Action Conference to Empower Role in Sustainability Kicks off

Amman: The “Women in Climate Action Conference” kicked off Wednesday organized by the Sustainable Environmental Values Foundation and the Forum of Federations, with the support of the Canadian government. The conference aims to explore ways to enhance and empower the role of women in climate change policies, legislation, laws, and programs.

The conference delved into the risks and challenges of climate action in Jordan, the government’s role in empowering women in climate change policies, and the involvement of various institutions like the Ministry of Water, the Jordan Valley Authority, and the Amman Municipality in empowering women to combat climate change. Additionally, discussions centered on the role of the National Committee for Women’s Affairs in supporting and empowering women in climate action and environmental policies.

Bakr Balawneh, Assistant Secretary-General of the Ministry of Agriculture, highlighted the pivotal role of the agriculture sector in Jordan’s economy. He emphasized that while agri
culture contributes significantly to economic activity, accounting for 15 to 20 percent of it, it only represents 5.6 percent of the country’s Gross Domestic Product. Notably, over 15 percent of Jordan’s active population is employed in agriculture, with 52 percent of them being women residing in rural areas.

Balawneh underscored the impact of regional and global crises, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, climate change resulting from global warming, and regional conflicts, on Jordan. He emphasized the crucial role of women in the agricultural sector and food security, especially amidst these challenges.

Doaa Dirbani, Director of Programs at the Sustainable Environmental Values Foundation, highlighted Jordan’s pioneering efforts in integrating gender into national policies to combat climate change. She emphasized Jordan’s commitment to achieving gender equality, particularly in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Dirbani emphasized the increasing importance of women in leading sustainable solutio
ns and building resilience against climate change. She noted that women in rural areas are at the forefront of implementing sustainable agricultural practices, employing traditional knowledge and innovative techniques to mitigate climate change’s impact on crops and livestock.

Rupak Chattopadhyay, President and CEO of the Forum of Federations, emphasized the project’s goal of empowering women and enhancing their leadership roles. He outlined the organization’s comprehensive projects across Jordan, Tunisia, and Morocco aimed at empowering women politically, socially, and culturally, while also combating climate change.

Ahmed Qatarneh, Director of the Women in Climate Action Project at the Sustainable Development Environmental Values Foundation, emphasized women’s vital role in confronting climate change in Jordan, stressthe necessity of gender equality and women’s empowerment for achieving sustainable development and addressing climate change challenges.

Qatarneh highlighted Jordan’s progress in policy-maki
ng, citing initiatives like the National Plan to Achieve Gender Equality. He commended women’s organizations in Jordan for their advocacy efforts and underscored women’s significant contributions to mitigating and adapting to climate change.

Moreover, Qatarneh highlighted women’s increasing role in the green economy sector, particularly in sustainable businesses such as eco-tourism, organic agriculture, and recycling, contributing significantly to climate change mitigation and adaptation.

According to the Ministry of Agriculture, women’s participation in training and qualification programs in the agricultural extension sector stands at 60 percent, with over 2,000 women participating in various programs. Additionally, women entrepreneurs constitute approximately 24 percent of the beneficiaries in the innovation incubator of the National Center for Agricultural Research.

Source: Jordan News Agency