September 21, 2024

WGS an ideal platform to learn about best government practices: Sultan Al Neyadi

DUBAI: Dr. Sultan bin Saif Al Neyadi, Minister of State for Youth Affairs, affirmed that the World Governments Summit (WGS) is an ideal platform to learn about the best government practices, with the attendance of elite ministers from governments worldwide, aiming to listen to their experiences and expertise in government work.

He noted that the WGS provides a suitable environment for exchanging solutions between representatives of the public and private sectors to learn about and apply the best government practices in reality.

In a statement to the Emirates News Agency (WAM) during his participation in the WGS 2024 in Dubai, Al Neyadi added that the summit has allocated many rich events, including workshops, discussions, and global forums, all focusing on the positive and effective role of youth, starting from the Arab Meeting for Young Leaders, which witnessed the presence of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai, confirming the UAE leadershi
p’s keenness to always celebrate youth and maximise their role in government work.

He pointed out that the youth session held on the final day of the WGS under the title “National Identity” shed light on the future challenges facing youth regarding their national identity and its connection to the past, and how to overcome those challenges, aiming to assist youth in making positive and sound decisions, highlighting the Best Minister in the World Award, which highlights the exceptional efforts of government ministers worldwide to enhance excellence in the government sector.

Al Neyadi emphasised the positive role of the Federal Youth Authority in enhancing, empowering, and engaging youth in various sectors of society and refining the capabilities, creativity, and ideas of youth, noting the efforts during the coming period to work on several youth initiatives that will be implemented soon in reality.

The WGS 2024 concludes its activities on its third day in Dubai under the theme “Shaping Future Governments” w
ith wide regional and international participation. The summit, on its final day, witnessed the participation of several heads of state and governments.

The summit brought together 120 government delegations and more than 85 international and regional organisations and global institutions, in addition to a selection of global thought leaders and experts, with the attendance of over 4,000 participants.

Source: Emirates News Agency