September 20, 2024

WGS an ideal platform for communication between government officials, Arab youth: Jordanian Minister of Youth

DUBAI: Mohammad Al Nabulsi, Minister of Youth of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, said that the World Governments Summit is an ideal platform for communication between government officials and Arab youth to showcase their ideas and talents, and highlight the challenges facing them in order to find solutions and develop appropriate plans and strategies.

In a statement to the Emirates News Agency (WAM), during his participation in the sessions of the “Arab Meeting for Young Leaders” which kicked off on the Pre-summit day of WGS 2024 in Dubai, Al Nabulsi affirmed that the World Governments Summit is an exemplary opportunity to underpin the ambitions of young people and the importance of Arab integration among them.

The Jordanian Minister of Youth praised the agenda of the World Governments Summit, which is regularly hosted by the UAE, as well as convening the Arab Meeting for Young Leaders, which included many sessions and workshops that shed light on the Arab identity.

Source: Emirates News Agency