September 22, 2024

WGS, a great opportunity to engage about SDGs: President of PVBLIC Foundation

DUBAI: Stephen Keppel, President of PVBLIC Foundation, emphasised that the World Governments Summit (WGS) is a great opportunity to engage about Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Speaking to the Emirates News Agency (WAM) at WGS 2024, Keppel said that one of the big projects that was discussed during WGS is the SDG Data Alliance.

‘This is a group that has come together to work with the least developed countries and small island developing states and really bringing data and innovation,’ he explained, noting that the goal is to help small states and least developed countries understand their current status in terms of sustainability, economic growth, innovation so as to enable them to grow in advance on their own.

Keppel said that Public Foundation focuses on how to advance sustainability around the world using media, data, and technology.

Held under the theme “Shaping Future Governments”, the 2024 summit features over 200 prominent speakers – including presidents, prime ministers and experts – as they
share their insights in keynote speeches and panel discussions, alongside 23 ministerial meetings and executive sessions welcoming over 300 ministers. The mega-event covers six main themes through 15 global forums and over 110 interactive dialogues and sessions.

Source: Emirates News Agency