September 20, 2024

US senator calls to stop supplying weapons to Israel

WASHINGTON, US Democratic Senator Tim Kaine Saturday called on US administration to review the policy of sending weapons to the occupying entity 9Israel) due to the high toll of innocent civilian victims killed by the occupation forces in Gaza.

“Recent events have made plain that much more needs to be done to protect innocent life. This is particularly the case regarding the delivery of humanitarian aid to Gaza. The aid is needed to avert famine and disease. But despite constant pressure from the United States, other nations, and international organizations, the amount of aid allowed by Israel to enter Gaza has been painfully slow and dramatically inadequate,” the senator added.

He pointed out that “The Israeli strike on a World Central Kitchen humanitarian aid convoy this week crystallizes the frustration that is at a boiling point. The killing of seven volunteers exemplifies that current conditions make it nearly impossible for NGOs and international organizations to safely and swiftly deliver humanitaria
n aid to suffering people. The attack raises questions about whether the U.S. can safely partner with these groups to deliver aid from a marine pier into Gaza. U.S. troops involved in such a mission will likely include Virginians. They shouldn’t be in harm’s way as they provide life-sustaining aid, but the unfolding events in the region show that even a humanitarian aid mission carries real danger.” In addition “I applaud President Biden for successfully urging Prime Minister Netanyahu to open another border crossing from Israel to allow robust delivery of humanitarian aid. But this was an obvious solution that should have happened months ago.” It follows a similar pattern of lengthy delay before Israel allowed the Kerem Shalom crossing to be used to provide aid to hundreds of thousands of people who had been instructed to move into Southern Gaza. “If Israel had allowed existing border crossings to be used to allow life-sustaining aid to reach Gaza, there would be no need for dangerous air-drops or complicate
d plans for building marine piers,” he noted.

The United States has time and again stood with Israel as a friend, partner and ally. And no one has been as steadfast a partner as President Biden. But as the President emphasized in his phone call with Prime Minister Netanyahu yesterday, the current approach is not working, said senator.

“There is need for immediate progress on a deal to free the hostages and establish a significant ceasefire in which humanitarian aid can flow to suffering people without fear of military attack. Such a deal will de-escalate the widening regional tensions and open up room for a much-needed and long-delayed discussion about Palestinian autonomy. But even as we exert all energy to find such a path forward, I urge the Administration to use every tool at its disposal to ensure that sufficient aid reaches Gaza. It is in Israel’s immediate and long-term interest to not block such efforts but to cooperate with them,” he noted.

However, the United States should join in the call for an
independent and international investigation into Monday’s strike on World Central Kitchen volunteers, in which an American was killed.

“Finally, I renew my request that the Biden Administration prioritize the transfer of defensive weapons in all arms sales to Israel while withholding bombs and other offensive weapons that can kill and wound civilians and humanitarian aid workers. Israel must have the capacity to defend itself against those-like Hamas-who would annihilate it. But more offensive weapons delivered at this moment will only further widen suffering in Israel, Gaza and the region,” added senator.

Source: Kuwait News Agency