US, Jordanian militaries continue aid airdrops into Gaza

The US Central Command (CENTCOM) and the Royal Jordanian Air Force conducted a combined humanitarian assistance airdrop into Northern Gaza on April 7, said CENTCOM late Sunday.

In a statement, CENTCOM indicated that to provide essential relief to civilians in Gaza affected by the ongoing conflict.

“The combined joint operation included Jordanian-provided food and three U.S. Air Force C-130 aircraft. The U.S. C-130s dropped over 38,000 meal equivalents, providing life-saving humanitarian assistance in Northern Gaza. To date the U.S. has dropped 739 tons of humanitarian assistance.” It went on to say that the Department of Defense humanitarian airdrops contribute to ongoing US and partner-nation government efforts to alleviate human suffering.

“These airdrops are part of a sustained effort, and we continue to plan follow-on aerial deliveries,” it concluded.

The US administration continues to reiterate its commitment to humanitarian aid for Gaza, a step continuously thwarted by the Israeli occupation via pre
venting aid from entering.

The UN said that aid obstruction will caused a famine in Gaza.

Source:Kuwait News Agency