September 22, 2024

UNSMIL: Representatives of Libyan women call for expanding the political space for women.

Deputy Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General, Raisedon Zenenga, met representatives of the National Council for Libyan Women.

The UNSMIL said in a tweet today that the Libyan representatives shared their views on issues related to elections and the outcome of the 6+6 committee including the issue of women’s quotas and ensuring that women have decision making roles.

Zenenga stressed that UNSMIL calls for the empowerment of women and make the case for raising female representation in the upcoming elections. He also highlighted the work of the UN in Libya, including the UN organizations.

The representatives asked for capacity building for women and young female decision makers and further asked UNSMIL to engage decision makers in Libya to expand political space for women.

Source: Libyan News Agency