September 20, 2024

UNRWA calls for an investigation into attacks against its employees and buildings in Gaza

Gaza – Together – UNRWA Commissioner-General Philippe Lazzarini called on the Security Council to investigate the blatant disregard for United Nations operations in Gaza after the martyrdom of hundreds of its employees and the destruction of its buildings, directing criticism at Israel.

Lazzarini said that he called on ‘members of the Security Council to conduct an independent investigation and accountability for the blatant disregard for UN buildings, UN personnel and UN operations in the Gaza Strip,’ adding that ‘the evacuated agency buildings were used for military purposes, while agency employees were arrested and tortured.’ “.

‘Here lies the importance of conducting investigation and accountability,’ Lazzarini said, ‘to avoid establishing lower standards in any future conflicts.’

Lazzarini’s statements came the day after the issuance of a report by an independent committee tasked by the United Nations to conduct an evaluation of the agency’s performance.

The report indicated that Israel did not provi
de evidence to support its accusations that UNRWA employees were connected to terrorist organizations, but it also concluded that the agency suffers from ‘problems related to neutrality,’ especially with regard to its employees’ use of social media networks.

Since the outbreak of war, 180 UNRWA employees have been martyred, 160 of its buildings have been damaged or destroyed, and ‘at least 400 people have been killed while seeking the protection provided by the UN flag,’ according to Lazzarini.

Israel accused the UN agency of ’employing more than 400 terrorists in Gaza, including 12 employees who directly participated in the October 7 attack.’ The Israeli accusations against UNRWA prompted about 15 donors, primarily the United States and the United Kingdom, to freeze its funding in January. .

A number of these entities have resumed funding UNRWA, including the Scandinavian countries, Japan, Germany, France and Canada.

Source: Maan News Agency