September 21, 2024

UNGA Pres. seeks “alliance” with Kuwait on global sustainability, handling crises

The United Nations seeks “alliance” and “cooperation” on achieving 2030 UN Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs), Security Council reforms and finding solutions to global crises, a visiting UN official said.

Both Kuwait and Austria’s ambassadors to the UN had been nominated, earlier this year, to spearhead efforts to introduce reforms to the Security Council, President of the 77th Session of the UN General Assembly, Csaba Korosi, mentioned in an interview with KUNA and Kuwait TV.

“I came here to seek alliance and seek cooperation of Kuwait for this huge impactful transformation of humanity with the participation of the United Nations…transformation for sustainability,” indicated Korosi, affirming that such collaboration was needed to address all challenges whether caused by natural disasters or manmade conflicts.

Korosi indicated that the Kuwaiti government was very forthcoming when it came to cooperation with the UN on various issues, expressing the desire to continue coordinating with Kuwait on a multitude of matters.

On Kuwait’s 60th anniversary of celebrating its membership in the UN, the President commended the Gulf country’s role in the international organization, noting that Kuwait knew the value of the UN and its importance to people around the globe.

He said that Kuwait’s liberation from the Iraqi invasion was partly due to extensive collaborative efforts at the UN and other international organizations.

“Kuwait is not only a consumer of the benefits of the multilateral cooperation… You are a huge contributor. Kuwait is known in the United Nations as a force of moderation, as force of mediation, as a force of providing a platform for sorting out some of the debated issues including some of the very difficult humanitarian issues,” stated Korosi who thanked the Gulf State on the behalf of the UN members for its crucial humanitarian role worldwide.

In regard to his meeting with Kuwait’s Foreign Minister Sheikh Salem Abdullah Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, the UNGA President revealed that issues of security, stability, and cooperative nature related to the region were discussed.

Crises in Syria, Yemen, Ukraine, Sudan and the plight of the Palestinian refugees were also touched upon, added the official.

He went on to say challenges to the 2030 UN 17 Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs) and the debt crisis facing many countries were also discussed during the meeting with Sheikh Salem.

On human rights in Kuwait and the Gulf region, Korosi said, “I see a very encouraging progress in the Gulf countries particularly when it comes to the education of the young… I see very encouraging intendancies of the empowerment of the women. I would like to congratulate your country (Kuwait)… You are a very progressive country within the GCC when it comes to the involvement of women not only in the education sector, but in broader public life.” Returning to the 2030 UNSDGs, Korosi warned that the world was way off track when it came to achieving the sustainable development goals.

Next September, the UN would be holding in New York the Sustainable Development Goals Summit to see what the world has achieved so far and finding solutions to matters that are pending the full implementation of the plan, he pointed out.

Understanding the situation and moving forward to achieve the UNSDGs is very important, asserted Korosi who indicated that alarming development such as the COVID-19 pandemic had hindered the progress of this ambitious global strategy.

Speaking on the recent conflict in Sudan, the President of the UNGA took a chance to thank Kuwait for providing humanitarian aid to the fellow Arab country, saying that the Gulf country was one of the first and most efficient in delivering support to those in need.

The events on the ground in Sudan are very disturbing and the UN continues to try to defuse the conflict there, said Korosi who lamented those who died and the people fleeing the violence.

To resolve the conflict, involved parties must stick to the ceasefire agreements, ensure the protection of civilians and their safe movements, as well as preventing the violence from affecting Sudan as a whole or worse the nearby countries, he indicated.

The UNGA President discussed various matters during the interview from how to deal with racism globally, handling the refugee crisis, in addition to the alarming effects of climate change and global warming on all countries.

On Palestine, Korosi acknowledged that the issue of the Palestinian refugees was a longstanding matter that needed to be addressed by the UNSG.

He revealed that the UNGA had discussed in the current session a multitude of resolutions connected with the Palestinian refugees, namely an adopted resolution requesting an advisory opinion on part of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in a year’s time on the status of Palestine, the occupied territories, and the international community obligations towards this issue.

Touching on the crisis in Syria, the official expressed hopes for a solution in the near future, commending the recent meeting by several Arab countries’ foreign ministers with their Syrian counterpart, within efforts to find a lasting solution to this conflict.

The President of the 77th UNGA also touched on the Ukraine-Russia war, saying that it was important to end the conflict diplomatically and not militarily for the sake of the world.

The ongoing of this particular crisis might affect some of the nuclear facilities in Ukraine, which might cause a global disaster.

On the plight of the Rohingya refugees, Korosi indicated that it was crucial to end their suffering, revealing that he would like to ask Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) to increase support for the Rohingya refugees.

The Rohingya must be allowed to return to their homes in Myanmar as part of the solution to this saddening humanitarian situation, he affirmed.

Source: Kuwait News Agency