September 21, 2024

Tunisia and Algeria reiterate their support for the Libyan-Libyan solution.

Speaker of the Tunisian House of People’s Representatives that the Tunisian and Algerian positions support the Libyan-Libyan solution without foreign interference.

This came in a joint press conference with the Speaker of the Algerian National People’s Assembly, Ibrahim Boughali, who arrived in Tunisia on Friday at the head of a parliamentary delegation.

The Speaker of the House of Representatives expressed his hope that the Libyan side would take positive positions to resolve various internal issues without being influenced by foreign parties, stressing in this context the extent of the impact of the tripartite rapprochement between Tunisia, Libya, and Algeria at the regional level.

In turn, Boughali said that the meeting discussed the outcomes of the first consultative summit meeting of the leaders of Algeria, Tunisia, and Libya, held last April in Tunisia, especially the measures taken to advance various aspects of cooperation between the two countries.

Boughali said that they discussed the latest deve
lopments in the situation in Libya, where they stressed the need to find a Libyan-Libyan solution without any foreign interference.

Source: Libyan News Agency