September 21, 2024

The poverty rate in Libya has risen to 40%, NIHRL says.

The National Institution for Human Rights in Libya (NIHRL) announced that poverty’s rate in Libya has risen to 40% during 2023.

The NIHRL said in a statement yesterday that a study by the Authority of Statistics and Census showed that the average monthly household and individual expenses, and the Center for Social Studies reports that the poverty rate in Libya for 2023 will rise to 40%, according to the preliminary results of the comprehensive survey of household income and expenditure in 2022/23.

The NIHRL attributed this to several reasons, the most important of which are high inflation, the collapse of the value of the local currency against foreign currencies, the rise in prices of basic and food commodities, in addition to the rise in the value of health services, and the low level of income for families, especially the most vulnerable and needy groups, such as the disabled, orphans, widows, people with limited income, and the displaced, as well as a wide sector of employees who suffer from low levels
of income compared to other categories of employees in the public sector, and rising indicators of unemployment and job seekers.
Source: Libyan News Agency