September 20, 2024

The Iraqi Journalists Syndicate participates in the first forum for digital property rights

The Iraqi Journalists Syndicate participated in the first forum for digital property rights, which was organized by the Books and Documents House in the Ministry of Culture.

A statement by the Syndicate said: ‘The Iraqi Journalists Syndicate, represented by Monitoring Committee member Kazem Taklif Al-Mousawi, participated in the first forum for digital property rights, which was organized by the House of Books and Documents at the Ministry of Culture in cooperation with the Digital Path Council under the patronage of the Minister of Culture Ahmed Fakak Al-Badrani and under the supervision of the Senior Undersecretary of the Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Antiquities Nofal Abu Ragheef under the title (Digital Ownership in Iraq, Rights and Guarantees).’

According to the statement, the forum discussed the requirements for digital property rights and mechanisms for activating them within legislative and legal contexts. It also witnessed the honoring of a number of creators with the Medal of Creativity and cer
tificates of appreciation, especially the representative of the Iraqi Journalists Syndicate.

The forum was attended by the representative of the Prime Minister for electronic affairs, a number of MPs, deans of colleges, university professors, and a large number of intellectuals, media figures, and relevant authorities.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency