September 22, 2024

Senate committee, Kuwaiti chargé d’affairs talk cooperation

Senate’s Jordanian-Kuwaiti Brotherhood Committee, chaired by Fadel Hmoud, on Sunday discussed ways to enhance Jordanian-Kuwaiti relations and joint cooperation aspects in various fields. Hmoud’s remarks came during a meeting held by the committee with Chargé D’Affairs at Kuwaiti embassy in Amman, Mubarak Hajri, adding that Jordanian-Kuwaiti relations are “historic, strong and durable,” and constitute a model in joint Arab action, thanks to wisdom of the two countries’ leadership, based on common positions on various Arab and regional issues. Hmoud affirmed Jordan’s “firm” stance towards the Palestinian cause and the Hashemite custodianship over Jerusalem’s Islamic and Christian holy sites, pointing to the joint Arab efforts aimed at providing means of support to all Palestinian people. He also expressed pride in the “advanced” level of bilateral relations in all fields, especially parliamentary, educational, investment, health and social areas and keenness to continue to strengthen them. Hmoud pointed to high-level coordination, adding that the two countries’ identical positions “remarkably” converge to serve common interests. For his part, Hajri hailed the Kuwaiti-Jordanian relations as “historic and a model to be followed in inter-Arab relations,” adding that the two countries have “solid” ties. He explained that Kuwaiti investments in Jordan are the largest, which stand at about $20 billion and are distributed over various sectors, and constitute evidence of “strong” bilateral cooperation relations, and reflect Jordan’s “attractive” investment environment. A total of 400 Kuwaiti companies are registered in Jordan, while the value of Kuwaiti investments in Amman Stock Exchange (ASE) is about $1.5 billion, Hajiri said. Hajiri added that Jordanian universities host about 4,000 Kuwaiti students, adding that some 4,000 Kuwaiti nationals live in Jordan, meanwhile about 2,500 Jordanian teachers work in Kuwait, and others working in Kuwaiti public health fields. Regarding Kuwaiti charitable work, Hajri said its campaigns reach the underprivileged people in the Kingdom’s various regions and include relief work, training and capacity building activities, lauding cooperation of the Jordanian Hashemite Charity Organization (JHCO) and the Jordanian Red Crescent (JRC) in delivering aid to beneficiaries. He also referred to role of Kuwait Development Fund (KDF), which finances 27 economic projects in Jordan.

Source: Jordan News Agency