September 21, 2024

Security practices to enhance security stability in Diyala

Joint forces from the Diyala Police carried out 3 security activities to enhance internal security and stability.

The Media Spokesman for the Diyala Police Command, Colonel Haitham Al-Shammari, told the correspondent of the National Iraqi News Agency (NINA) that forces from the Diyala Emergency Police, with the support of intelligence detachments, carried out 3 security practices in the areas of Dur Al-Zira’a northwest of Baqubah, on the outskirts of Al-Muqdadiya, northeast of Baqubah, and around Buhrez, south of Baqubah, within A systematic security strategy.

He added that the security practices are a preventive measure and carry the objectives of searching for unlicensed weapons, tracking down those wanted by the judiciary, and enhancing security stability in the region.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency