September 20, 2024

SCZone Chairman Meets EU Commission Officials in Brussels

Walid Gamal El-Din, Chairman of the General Authority for the Suez Canal Economic Zone (SCZone) reviewed the ongoing economic reform process in the country and the preparations for the investment conference scheduled to be held in Egypt in cooperation with the European Union in the coming months.

This came during the visit of a high-level Egyptian economic delegation in the Belgian capital, Brussels, which includes senior public sector and private sector officials to promote investment in Egypt.

The Egyptian Embassy and its commercial office organized a number of meetings for the delegation, including ones with the European Business Federations Foundation, Business Europe, and the Arab Belgian Luxembourgish Chamber of Commerce (ABLCC), Solar Power Europe, and solar energy companies in Europe

On his part, Gamal El-Din stated that the capabilities of the SCZone, including 4 industrial zones and 6 seaports on the Mediterranean and the Red Sea, represent promising opportunities for economic cooperation, integr
ation strategy between ports, industrial and logistics areas to support supply chains and trade.

He also explained that the strategic location and readiness of seaports enabled the economic zone to provide ship bunkering services, including the ship Laura Maersk in August 2023, in addition to exporting the first green ammonia shipment from the Egypt Green Hydrogen Plant in November 2023.

During the meetings, Walid Gamal El-Din reviewed the targeted industrial sectors in the economic zone, and stressed that this diversity of opportunities available through ports, industrial zones, and the green fuel file, demonstrates the zone’s readiness to build more partnerships with the European side.

Gamal El-Din recently received a delegation from the European Commission mission at the region’s headquarters in the Administrative Capital to discuss the prospects for joint cooperation with regard to projects established and planned to be established within the economic zone in various sectors.

Source: State Informatio
n Service Egypt