September 20, 2024

Rebwar Taha.. We will work for all components of Kirkuk

The elected governor of Kirkuk, Rebwar Taha, stressed the need to work for all components of Kirkuk.

He said in a message, we would like to reassure all parties that a new phase will begin in Kirkuk today, which is the phase of devoting peace, harmony, reconstruction and serving all citizens without discrimination.

He added, from here we announce that we will do our utmost to enhance security and safety, improve the reality of services, rehabilitate infrastructure, pay attention to various sectors and activate the rich resources in Kirkuk to improve the living conditions and lives of Kirkuk citizens.

He continued, we will make this site a tool for achieving political and social peace, strengthening the principle of accepting others and joint work, and deepening the spirit of brotherhood and coexistence among all components of Kirkuk without exception.

He stressed that the next governor of Kirkuk is the governor of the Kurds, Arabs, Turkmen, Christians and all segments of Kirkuk without exception.

He said
here I must extend my sincere thanks and appreciation for the patience and endurance of the people of Kirkuk, and I also extend my thanks for the trust of the members of the Kirkuk Provincial Council, and all thanks and appreciation for the support and assistance of Bafel Jalal Talabani and the leadership of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, and thanks also to the team that worked with us and enabled us to succeed.

He concluded by saying with the help of God Almighty, we will be at the level of the great trust that we have enjoyed, and we will be, God willing, at the level of the great responsibility placed on our shoulders.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency