September 21, 2024

Panel assigned to ensure smooth, quick procedures at customs centers

Jordan Customs Department Director Jalal Qudah Tuesday ordered the formation of a committee to follow up on procedures at customs and border centers to ensure a smooth flow of goods and the continuity of supply chains in the current regional circumstances.

The panel will promptly address hindrances and oversee clearance procedures in the field, Qudah said in a statement, adding that it will start work immediately to closely review processes and procedures at the customs centers, starting with the customs facility in Aqaba and on to other border posts.

He ordered that facilities be provided to merchants concerning time and effort, and benefit from pilot projects adopted by the Customs Department for the quick clearance of goods, while ensuring the soundness of customs procedures for imported, exported or transit goods, the statement said.

The measures are part of a government directive to all departments to cope with regional conditions, facilitate trade exchange, ensure the continuity of supply chains, and
preserve the strategic stock of staple commodities in partnership with the private sector and the Clearance Companieds Syndicate.

Source: Jordan News Agency