September 20, 2024

Palestinian Teen Fatally Shot by Israeli Forces in Ramallah

Ramallah: The Palestinian Ministry of Health reported on Monday the death of Mustafa Abu Shalbak, a 16-year-old teenager, due to injuries sustained from gunfire by the Israeli forces during their incursion into the Al-Amari camp in Ramallah in the central part of the occupied West Bank.

In a statement, the Ministry said that the occupation forces entered the Al-Amari camp early today, leading to clashes with Palestinian youths.

During the confrontation, live ammunition was used, resulting in the critical injury of Mustafa Abu Shalbak, who was struck in the neck and chest. Hailing from the Qalandiya camp, he was urgently transferred to the Palestine Medical Complex in Ramallah, where he was pronounced dead.

Source: Jordan News Agency