September 21, 2024

Non-oil revenues… KRG deposits more than 70 billion dinars in the federal treasury

The Ministry of Finance and Economy of the Kurdistan Regional Government announced, today, Monday, the transfer of more than 70 billion dinars to the federal treasury in Baghdad, non-oil revenues for the month of March 2024.

The ministry stated in a statement, ‘The amount of 70 billion and 131 million and 250 thousand dinars was transferred to the bank account of the Federal Ministry of Finance, within the Federal Treasury’s share of the Kurdistan region’s non-oil revenues for the month of March.’

On May 27, 2024, the Ministry of Finance and Economy of the Kurdistan Regional Government announced the deposit of an amount of (85,199,634) dinars from the internal revenues of the Kurdistan Region for the month of February 2024 in cash in the bank account of the federal government in the Erbil branch of the Central Bank of Iraq, amounting to 50% of tax and customs revenues in the Kurdistan region for the month of February.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency