September 20, 2024

Najaf Police: carrying out a raid and arresting a drug dealer who threw a grenade at the raiding force

The Najaf Governorate Police Command announced the implementation of a qualitative operation and the arrest of a drug dealer.

The Command said, “The Najaf Police Chief led a qualitative operation and supervised the SWAT company and the fight against narcotics and psychotropic substances during a raid on the headquarters of a drug dealer in an agricultural area outside the city of Kufa.”

And it indicated, “The drug dealer threw a grenade at the raiding force, and immediately the place was cordoned off, stormed, arrested, and a quantity of drugs was seized in his house. Rifles, pistols, hand grenades, equipment, a motorcycle, a vehicle, and an amount of money were seized, and he was referred to the judiciary.”

Source: National Iraqi News Agency