September 20, 2024

Monitor: 58 Rumors recorded in Jordan in March

Amman: The Jordanian Media Credibility Observatory (Akeed) has released findings revealing that a total of 58 rumors were circulated among citizens during the month of March, with 12 originating from abroad.

In its monthly report, Akeed said 16 of the rumors were subsequently debunked, compared to 17 in February.

Security-related rumors dominated last month’s discourse, comprising 22 rumors, or 38% of the total. A significant portion of these revolved around security operations in the Kingdom’s north.

Political rumors followed closely, amounting to 18, or 31%, while economic rumors numbered 9, 16%. Social affairs and public affairs rounded out the categories, with 6 and 2 rumors, respectively. The health sector saw only one, comprising 2% of the total.

Internally sourced rumors predominated, comprising 46 of the total recorded, while 12 originated from external sources. Social media emerged as the primary conduit for rumor dissemination, accounting for 90% of the rumors, with the remaining 10% sourced fro
m traditional media outlets.

Akeed underscored the importance of verifying content from social media users before publication. Failure to do so can lead to the proliferation of inaccurate news, perpetuating rumors and disseminating misleading and false information, it said.

Source: Jordan News Agency